In 2020, Westerra saw a record year. Feer Industries was responsible for increasing mortgage sales by 98%. The campaign was so successful we needed to follow it up with a recruiting campaign that aimed to get people to move on from their jobs in a depressed economy.
In 2020, while working from home, people quickly realized the need for more space. Kitchens, bedrooms, nurseries became offices and classroom. So we created a special mortgage that would give every member of the household some much needed breathing room. With low rates you could upgrade the size of your home while remembering the reason you created a family in the first place.
In 2020 we also launched a mortgage product that was so competitive, it was shockingly low!
The success of these campaigns created the need for more mortgage specialists at Westerra. But in uncertain times we had to make it easy for people to leave their cushy jobs for a better opportunity at Westerra. So we created the Quick Quit Kit. A fun way for people to say so long to their dead end jobs and hello to a new future.
We created resignation letters that would populate all their information right into the body of these letters. We developed a Quit Courier that would pick up your belongings from your old job. And we even sent you on a congratulatory dinner, after you made the cut. All they had to do is say, see ya!